In 18th century France Society takes interest in increasing their understanding of Science, Politic, Economic systems and human rights. Enlightenment thinking comes about and publications of
QUEEN ANNE When William passes away the throne passes to his sister in law Queen Anne. She was not interested in fashion and design so was not making tremendous changes in English style.
Pointed arches and the use of stained glass are few of the focal points of Gothic architecture. The pointed arch makes the eye travel upwards. The Roman arch has a round earth bound quality
The focus shifts from the East represented by the Byzantine tradition, to the west, which is based on Roman architectural forms specifically the basilica. Central to Rome is the Holy Roman
By 300, the Roman empire starts to disintegrate. It has become overstretched, inefficient and attacked by roaming bands of bandits and goths. By early 300, Constantine moves the capital from
In the 1,000 years leading up to the birth of Christ, Egypt begins to fall apart politically and foreign influence coming into the country changes architecture and design. The Assyrian and
By 146 BCE Rome has conquered Greece and taken over areas Alexander the Great colonized such as Egypt, the Scottish coast, Great Britain, France, Spain, Africa and parts of the Mediterranean
In France classical designs were integrated into the Late Rococo as one moves to Late Neoclassical a romanticism infuses designs. Ideas of society become reflected in how design is
The Nile River was the centre of wealth for Egypt. This prominent transportation route brought in materials. The uniting of upper and lower Egypt creates the Old Kingdom which is the first
“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” Martin Luther King Jr. The quote above by Martin Luther King Jr. explains why it is important for one to learn about the